
Showing posts from 2018

Merry Christmas

Here are 3 Christmas decorating videos.Enjoy. and if you have cats, watch this important video Merry Christmas from my home to yours!

I Wore a MAGA hat and Trump Shirt to a Gay Bar!

 Adventures in Washington DC. I Wore a Trump shirt to a Gay Bar.

Adventures In Search of Legal Cannabis in Washington DC!

Marijuana is legal in Washington DC!

Peace Vigil in Washington DC Across From The White House

I was hanging out with a friend, when i ended up meeting the first legal cannabis user in The District!  

Washington DC: A Look Inside a Sacred Space. Renwick Gallery "Burning Man" Art Exhibit

Am I Too White?Is There Something Wrong With My Whiteness?

I have had the odd experience of being misunderstood,or else being critiqued over, my natural skin color.  (But not the usual racism i have endured from Black people since my early childhood,living and going to public schools in the "inner city".) For the 3rd time , i have gotten comments that confused me,pertaining to the color of my skin,along with questions.....from other Caucasian people!!!!! No I do not powder my skin with silica. No this is not "whiteface". (Although I DO own Ben Nye Cream Makeup in white, that I have used in Goth clubs and for my zebra stripe makeup. ) And sometimes i need to add white to my foundation if it is not pale enough to match my complexion. In this day and age, must I explain my cultural heritage in hopes people understand? For the record: I am mostly of English heritage, with some Irish, Scottish, German and Swedish thrown in. Years ago  I was teased about my pale skin,but not the "typical racism" that mi...

The Bully at the 99 Cent Store

The other day I had an occasion to run up to one of the dollar stores.I had part of a gift card to use up. When I arrived there,I knew the people working there.I noticed a tall older man standing near the cashier, talking to them.I did not think anything of it.I assumed the man must have been a friend of theirs.So I went deep in the store to shop. But a few minutes in my excursion I noted that tall man never left where he was.His voice was loud and he sounded like he was bothering them. I inched closer.I could see the lady cashier was quiet,not smiling. (and she ALWAYS smiles.) The little man who stocks shelves there is from Bangladesh, as is the cashier lady.Both are very very sweet people. That tall man looked like the dirtbags in my neighborhood who cause trouble.. He WAS a ghettizen! Turns out he was smacking the little stock clerk man upside his head with bags of candy.The little man said nothing until finally i heard him cry out "STOP TOUCHING ME!" Now I...

Being a YouTuber Can Be Dangerous!

I had a scary experience when I made one of my YouTube videos last week. It was a lovely warm sunny Spring day,a perfect beach day.I was stoked because i had a nice Visa gift card to spend, and the luck 2 days previously, to find a deep discount sale when I was purchasing a big bag of fresh roasted peanuts from Peanut World. So with this knowledge in mind I went on the Boardwalk in Atlantic City with my laundry cart on wheels that I bring grocery shopping.Peanut World has a lot of fitness gear...things i have been wanting...... So I got a great punching bag and I got a jump rope, and bigger longer Pilates resistance bands for weight work....I got a medicine ball....i also got an abdominal roller...and a shower radio that's supposed to get TV audio but i don;t expect THAT to work here as I live at sea level and we require cable or satellite for TV reception. I took my overflowing cart on to the beach,which was mostly deserted except for a few scattered walkers/sunbathers. ...

Easy Lavender Eye Shadow Makeup Tutorial ft Color Magic Warm Palette

 Welcome to what is not only a blog post but a makeup tutorial. After 3 non makeup videos,(to make the fellas and non makeup wearers happy), I just HAD to show off a new palette I bought.They were both too much of a bargain to say no to,and each one has 10 shadows in it that can make at the VERY least, 2 looks apiece. The white or whitish highlight shades were worth the price-it includes a true matte white plus an ecru and a pale pale pale pale pale blue and a golden maize type very pale shade,that,come to think of it may not be light enough as a highlighter,but on a darker skinned person I think it could. This video took longer than it had to because I told some stories about how I feel about some subjects in the news. Once again TabbyBoy interrupted.He had to be fed. He still acts unpredictable since the death of Ace. If you watched this  (or even if you did NOT!)...stay tuned for Thursday.....I will post a funny video involving (mostly) clublife, and some of my pe...

Trash Day Means I Get Rewarded When I Recycle

There is nothing quite like trash day.Especially trash day in the ghetto. I believe in recycling,but sadly most people in my town do not bother dispite it being a service provided for us and there are special recycling buckets anybody can get from the collection agency. In the wee hours of the late night slash morning, i will often go retrieving recyclables from the top, cleaner part of the trash bins, to put in recycling buckets.It makes me feel good knowing i'm taking them out of landfills and especially, taking plastic away fromwhere it might very well end up incinerated,polluting our air .. I got rewarded twice this week for being a scavenger. First off, a few days ago I was coming home from a club and i saw a cardboard box full of classic rock CDs. (Okay there was a few hiphop ones but i kept them there.I'm not interested in that.It wasn't something old school and innocuous like Grand Master flash, it was the nasty stuff  who who knows.) I took home CDs by Ne...

Ace the Cat's Final Video.

This is the video I never wanted to make.But it tells the truth,. Ace the cat was dying here.In less than an hour after I filmed him, one of my roommates made a call and he got someone he knows with connections to an animal hospital, and they took him and Ace to the vet to run a bunch of diagnostics. I had a little bit of cash I  was more than willing to spend to save Ace.As it is that money would not have been enough to run all the tests.I am grateful that friend (nobody I know) paid to have the tests done. Ace is gone.Aside from what I said in this video, i don't really have anything more to say about the situation. It was out of my hands. Video for Ace the Cat is Dead

I Wanna Work Smart not Work Hard (With Little ROI) (YouTuber Rant)

Where do I even start? Its a Saturday night.I "should" be out finding a dancefloor with my name on it (although the LAST thing i want invading my eardrums is hip hop.i REALLY Truly do NOT relate to it,its not my culture and while there are a few catchy rap tunes I am actively avoiding as much exposure to current pop and hiphop music because it can cause earworms,interfering with the music that is in my head that i'm slowly but surely eeking out onto paper via songwriting. I cannot be out dancing because i did not get around to uploading today's scheduled YouTube video. And why, you must be asking, did I get such a late start when I had the video ready waiting,and the thumbnail  (cover photo) was chosen days in advance? I was working out the SEO (search engine optimization) for the video title, and i needed some clarifications on my process. Without getting too complicated and confusing my readers,wha I did was I had about 6 versions of a title, and i turned ...

Going to a Concert Tonight.Joe Perry & Friends.But I Miss My Dead Cat!

Life goes on.Tonight in a few hours I will go to The Borgata in Frantic City to see Joe Perry. I WAS going to tease up my hair real big for this.My heart isn't in it.THAT tangles up my hair for at least a coupla weeks,and I always do lots of photo shoots and film my Youtube videos when it is big.But i don;t think I will make a new video tonight when I get back. I have one more beauty video "in the can",to post Saturday...then after that is the brief video I shot with my dying Ace The Cat. That particular video does not follow my standard format.There was no twirl around to show my clapboard in my face.Just holding my cat and telling what is up. I don;t think it is even 2 minutes. After i post that video I don;t know WHAT my content will be on my channel.. I cannot just pretend everything is okay.Everything is NOT okay. It is odd.Last time I had a cat die on me he was the only cat in my home. NOW the situation is the cat who died was technically ...

Ace the Cat is Dead:-(

I have sad news to report.Beloved Ace the Cat,who would have had his 15th birthday on 4/20, passed away today. Ace was fine until a month ago. Today he had been in my room for going on 4 days and nights,with times he would jump down from his giant kitty chair (AKA a castoff office chair shared by both Ace and my TabbyBoy). He would at least,drink water from  my big self waterer in my room,or else he would walk to the kitchen and drink from a big bowl of water. He would always wait patiently for one of us to refill that bowl with fresh tap water. When Ace started to act odd and unresponsive and was losing urinary function.I told the roommates.We all gathered with Ace in the kitchen,taking turns holding him. I brought him in my filming room so he and TabbyBoy could share the chair,and so TabbyBoy knows what is going on. Roommate called a friend of his who has connections to an animal hospital.They drove down here and took the cat and roommate to get tests done. Ace had ...

Ace the Cat (Is Not Doing well)

I am deeply concerned about this sweet cat.He will celebrate his 15th birthday next week.Actually in 4 days. Ace WAS over 25 pounds.This year he has lost weight and he looks fragile and old.He does not want to eat so much. I made a Youtube video about his health situation.       9Note that,as this is only my 2nd post here,I do not know how to set up text so it continues AFTER this photograph.I wanted to be able to add photos then text then more photographs.

My First Post Why My New Blog?Why Now?And Must I Pay for a Domain,to Do This?

Welcome to my blog.Whoever reads this,you are getting treated to a glimpse into my life and some subjects I care about. This blog will also accompany my Youtube channel.And will be like a journal,but public.I will tell some stories from the dancefloors and concert halls of clublife. I will talk about the cats in my life.I will talk about politics sometimes.If I go to Washington DC for some adventure,or I have pictures from old adventures,I may blog about it. I am all about personal freedoms, so I might talk about pot. And there are the beauty videos,probably the most innocuous subject I can make videos about.I make lots of beauty videos,so I'm sure I will talk about that here. Welcome to my journey,and my first blog,.