I have had the odd experience of being misunderstood,or else being critiqued over, my natural skin color. (But not the usual racism i have endured from Black people since my early childhood,living and going to public schools in the "inner city".) For the 3rd time , i have gotten comments that confused me,pertaining to the color of my skin,along with questions.....from other Caucasian people!!!!! No I do not powder my skin with silica. No this is not "whiteface". (Although I DO own Ben Nye Cream Makeup in white, that I have used in Goth clubs and for my zebra stripe makeup. ) And sometimes i need to add white to my foundation if it is not pale enough to match my complexion. In this day and age, must I explain my cultural heritage in hopes people understand? For the record: I am mostly of English heritage, with some Irish, Scottish, German and Swedish thrown in. Years ago I was teased about my pale skin,but not the "typical racism" that mi...
There is nothing quite like trash day.Especially trash day in the ghetto. I believe in recycling,but sadly most people in my town do not bother dispite it being a service provided for us and there are special recycling buckets anybody can get from the collection agency. In the wee hours of the late night slash morning, i will often go retrieving recyclables from the top, cleaner part of the trash bins, to put in recycling buckets.It makes me feel good knowing i'm taking them out of landfills and especially, taking plastic away fromwhere it might very well end up incinerated,polluting our air .. I got rewarded twice this week for being a scavenger. First off, a few days ago I was coming home from a club and i saw a cardboard box full of classic rock CDs. (Okay there was a few hiphop ones but i kept them there.I'm not interested in that.It wasn't something old school and innocuous like Grand Master flash, it was the nasty stuff who who knows.) I took home CDs by Ne...
I had a scary experience when I made one of my YouTube videos last week. It was a lovely warm sunny Spring day,a perfect beach day.I was stoked because i had a nice Visa gift card to spend, and the luck 2 days previously, to find a deep discount sale when I was purchasing a big bag of fresh roasted peanuts from Peanut World. So with this knowledge in mind I went on the Boardwalk in Atlantic City with my laundry cart on wheels that I bring grocery shopping.Peanut World has a lot of fitness gear...things i have been wanting...... So I got a great punching bag and I got a jump rope, and bigger longer Pilates resistance bands for weight work....I got a medicine ball....i also got an abdominal roller...and a shower radio that's supposed to get TV audio but i don;t expect THAT to work here as I live at sea level and we require cable or satellite for TV reception. I took my overflowing cart on to the beach,which was mostly deserted except for a few scattered walkers/sunbathers. ...
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