Am I Too White?Is There Something Wrong With My Whiteness?
I have had the odd experience of being misunderstood,or else being critiqued over, my natural skin color. (But not the usual racism i have endured from Black people since my early childhood,living and going to public schools in the "inner city".) For the 3rd time , i have gotten comments that confused me,pertaining to the color of my skin,along with questions.....from other Caucasian people!!!!! No I do not powder my skin with silica. No this is not "whiteface". (Although I DO own Ben Nye Cream Makeup in white, that I have used in Goth clubs and for my zebra stripe makeup. ) And sometimes i need to add white to my foundation if it is not pale enough to match my complexion. In this day and age, must I explain my cultural heritage in hopes people understand? For the record: I am mostly of English heritage, with some Irish, Scottish, German and Swedish thrown in. Years ago I was teased about my pale skin,but not the "typical racism" that mi...