
Showing posts from January, 2019

Google Plus is Shutting Down Soon.WHAT Will I Do Next?

Now i am in a panic.Google Plus is my preferred social network.I have been on Google Plus since 2011, when it was still in Beta. How I even learned about Google Plus, was when i was still on MySpace and,was deliberately avoiding Facebook, on principle mind you.I was looking at, a womens site, and i was getting the "drift" that my Reoublican politics were most UN welcome there.But they DID recommend G+ as a superior kind of social network so I signed up. At the time, the Occupy movement was in full swing. Google Plus had this thing called "shared circles",which made it really easy to "meet" likeminded people sharing common interests. I found lots of metaphysical people  (call it witchcraft if you want), and i found lots of Republicans. This new network felt very homey,and although the vast majority of people were not people i knew in real life, i did wind up meeting some of them. Then when Google bought out YouTube , i found myse...

Storytime_ Adventures in Clubland with #MAGA fans.Crazy Kicking Tobacco Smoking Lady.etc     Beware of crazy kicking people   but wait for dollar store bongs!